Urban Climate Leadership Certificate: Building Connections and Skills to Address Climate Change in Cities

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Urban Climate Leadership Certificate: Building Connections and Skills to Address Climate Change in Cities

A new, online mid-career certificate will provide global practitioners with the tools and knowledge to address today’s urban climate challenges

Cities play a critical role in shaping the planet’s future under a changing climate. At the same time, they face unique vulnerabilities to climate change’s impacts. Finding innovative solutions to climate mitigation and adaptation presents a pressing challenge to practitioners across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. To meet this challenge, the Yale School of the Environment and Hixon Center for Urban Sustainability launched the Urban Climate Leadership Certificate Program, funded by the Three Cairns Climate Program for the Global South. This new, online, mid-career certificate program aims to equip practitioners across the globe with the skills, knowledge, and network to take on the multidimensional challenges of cities and climate change, and particularly seeks to engage professionals from the Global South.


Throughout the nine month program, students will take part in lectures, readings, assignments, and discussions on major urban climate challenges and tools. The program includes five courses, which cover key topics and skills at the intersection of cities and climate. The online format leverages the accessibility of technology to provide opportunities to engage with faculty and global peers. Led by Karen Seto (Frederick C. Hixon Professor of Geography and Urbanization Science & Director of the Hixon Center for Urban Sustainability) and Mark Ashton (Senior Associate Dean of The Forest School & Morris K. Jesup Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology), the certificate will feature diverse perspectives from faculty and practitioner leaders in the field. The inaugural semester will commence on August 22, 2024. Additional information about the program and application timelines can be found on the midcareer certificate website. 


Image Source: Yale Urban Climate Leadership Certificate Program


Faculty Members

Karen Seto

PhD, Frederick C. Hixon Professor of Geography and Urbanization Science, Yale School of the Environment, Director, Hixon Center for Urban Ecology

Mark Ashton

PhD, MF, Senior Associate Dean of The Forest School; Morris K. Jesup Professor of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, Yale School of the Environment; Director of the Yale Forests