Governance & Community

Sarah Lowe

Sarah Lowe, PhD is Associate Professor of Public Health (Social and Behavorial Sciences) at the Yale School of Public Health, with secondary appointments as Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine and Associate Clinical Professor of Nursing at the Yale School of Nursing, and Affiliated Faculty at the Yale Institute for Global Health.

David Vlahov

PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor, Yale School of Nursing with a joint appointment in Epidemiology and Public Health.

Jeannette Ickovics

PhD,  Samuel and Liselotte Herman Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Yale School of Public Health, Dean of Faculty, Yale-NUS College, Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health.

Mae-ling Lokko

PhD, Assistant Professor, Yale School of Architecture, Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture

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