Built Environment

Anne Underhill

PhD, Professor of Anthropology, Curator, Peabody Museum

Albert Icksang Ko

MD, Raj and Indra Nooyi Professor of Public Health and Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases) and Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health

Vasilis Vasiliou

PhD, Department Chair, Susan Dwight Bliss Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences) and of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and of Environment, Yale School of Public Health, Director, Yale Superfund Research Center

Jodi Sherman

MD, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology of the Yale School of Medicine, Associate Professor of Epidemiology in Environmental Health Sciences, Founding Director of the Yale Program on Healthcare Environmental Sustainability in the Yale Center on Climate Change and Health, Medical Director of Sustainability, Yale New Haven Health System

Kate Cooney

PhD, MSW, Senior Lecturer in Social Enterprise and Management, Yale School of Management

Jessica Bacher

JD, Lecturer, Yale School of the Environment, Executive Director, Land Use Law Center, Adjunct Professor, Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University

Gregory E. Sterling

PhD, MA, MA, The Reverend Henry L. Slack Dean and Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament, Yale Divinity School

Zachary Liscow

JD, PhD, Professor of Law, Yale Law School, Chief Economist, US Office of Management and Budget

Laura Barraclaugh

PhD, Professor of American Studies, Chair

Anika Singh Lemar

JD, Clinical Professor of Law, Yale Law School

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